If you want to stop getting the emails that Watch Me Think sends out regarding available briefs, you can unsubscribe by clicking the link at the bottom of each email.
What may surprise some, is that this link will take you to a page where you will be asked to confirm you wish to close your account.
Why do we ask you to close your account if you're simply unsubscribing?
The only effective way for you to be involved in what we do is by looking out for the emails that we send - to see if you are eligible to take part in a brief and applying.
If you don't get those emails you'll never be able to take part in any briefs.
So there is little point in you keeping your account open.
Therefore it's best we protect your privacy and close your account and, eventually, anonymize all your personally identifiable details.
We will keep any videos that we've paid you to make - but only for as long as they are useful to our clients and their work. After that, we'll delete those as well.